Doin' the Robot


Why Web Audio?   We have <audio>!

<audio> hides the steps of loading, decoding and playing
<audio controls preload="auto" 
Web Audio provides:
  • Precise timing of lots of overlapping sounds
  • An audio pipeline and routing system for effects and filters
  • Hooks to visualize and manipulate audio data on the fly:

Intro to the Web Audio API

  • High-level API, easy to use for basic tasks like
    function playSound( buffer ) {
        var sourceNode = audioContext.createBufferSource();
        sourceNode.buffer = buffer;
        sourceNode.connect( audioContext.destination );
  • Effects and filters that don't require low-level knowledge of audio DSP
    var delayNode = audioContext.createDelayNode();
    delayNode.delayTime.value = 0.5;
  • Low-level API for custom audio processing directly in JavaScript
  • Native processing using separate high-priority thread to resist glitching

Web Audio Design Goals - Glitch-free

Audio Features Used in Gaming

  • Very precise timing of many simultaneous sounds
  • 3D spatialization - positioning sound at a particular place soundfield
  • Doppler shift - changing pitch for moving sources
  • Distance attenuation and sound directionality
  • Filtering effects (radio, telephone, etc.)
  • Acoustic environments (reverb)
  • Time-based event Scheduling
    • create sequences / rhythms / loops
    • fade-ins / fade-outs / sweeps

Audio Features Needed for Music Applications

  • Oscillators - basis of synthesis
  • Dynamics processing (compression)
  • Waveshaping (non-linear distortion)
  • Frequency and waveform analysis


The Web Audio API is Based on a Node Graph

Node graphic

The Basics - AudioContext

interface AudioContext {    
    AudioDestinationNode destination;  // the “speakers”

    float sampleRate;
    float currentTime;

    AudioBuffer createBuffer( long numberOfChannels, long length, float sampleRate);
    AudioBuffer createBuffer( ArrayBuffer buffer, boolean mixToMono);           
    void decodeAudioData( ArrayBuffer audioData, AudioBufferCallback successCallback,
                          AudioBufferCallback errorCallback);
    // AudioNode creation          
    AudioBufferSourceNode createBufferSource();
    AudioGainNode createGainNode();
    DelayNode createDelayNode( float maxDelayTime );
    BiquadFilterNode createBiquadFilter();

Creating an AudioContext

var audioContext = new webkitAudioContext;

The Basics - AudioNode

interface AudioNode {

    void connect( AudioNode destination, [Optional] unsigned long output, 
                  unsigned long input );

    void connect( AudioParam destination,  [Optional] unsigned long output );

    void disconnect( [Optional] unsigned long output );

    AudioContext context;

    unsigned long numberOfInputs;

    unsigned long numberOfOutputs;

source.connect( destination );

The Basics - AudioParam

AudioParams let us do interpolation and scheduling under the covers

interface AudioParam {

    attribute float value;

    // Parameter automation
    void setValueAtTime( float value, float time );

    void linearRampToValueAtTime( float value, float time );

    void exponentialRampToValueAtTime( float value, float time );

    void setTargetValueAtTime( float targetValue, float time, float timeConstant );

    void setValueCurveAtTime( Float32Array values, float time, float duration );

    void cancelScheduledValues( float startTime );


The Basics - AudioBuffer

AudioBuffer represents a decoded, in-memory buffer of sound data

interface AudioBuffer {
    float sampleRate;  // in Hz
    long length;       // in samples
    float duration;    // in seconds          
    int numberOfChannels;

    Float32Array getChannelData( unsigned long channel );

The Basics - AudioBuffer

You can access the data directly...

function loadNoiseBuffer() {  // create a 2-second buffer of noise
    var lengthInSamples =  2 * audioContext.sampleRate;
    noiseBuffer = audioContext.createBuffer( 1, lengthInSamples, audioContext.sampleRate );
    var bufferData = noiseBuffer.getChannelData( 0 );
    for (var i = 0; i < lengthInSamples; ++i) {
        bufferData[i] = (2*Math.random() - 1);  // -1 to +1

AudioBuffer in Action

var dogBarkingBuffer = null;
var audioContext = new webkitAudioContext();

function loadDogSound(url) {
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "dogBarking.mp3", true);
    request.responseType = "arraybuffer";

    request.onload = function() {
            request.response, function(buffer) {
                dogBarkingBuffer = buffer;
                // buffer is now ready!
           } ); }

The Basics - AudioBufferSourceNode

One-shot playback of an AudioBuffer

  • Multiple ABSNs can point to the same AudioBuffer!
interface AudioBufferSourceNode : AudioSourceNode {
        // Many sources can share the same buffer
        AudioBuffer buffer;

        AudioParam playbackRate;
        boolean loop;

        void noteOn( double when );
        void noteOff( double when );
        void noteGrainOn( double when, double grainOffset, double grainDuration );

AudioBufferSource AND AudioBuffer in Action

var dogBarkingBuffer = null;    var audioContext = new webkitAudioContext();
function loadDogSound(url) {
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "dogBarking.mp3", true);
    request.responseType = "arraybuffer";
    request.onload = function() { audioContext.decodeAudioData( request.response, 
        function(buffer) {   // success! we have a decoded buffer!
                dogBarkingBuffer = buffer;
                bark();      } ); }

function bark() {
    var dog = audioContext.createBufferSource();
    dog.buffer = dogBarkingBuffer;
    dog.connect( audioContext.destination );

AudioBufferSource Looping

var dogBarkingBuffer = null;

function bark() {
    var dog = audioContext.createBufferSource();

    dog.buffer = dogBarkingBuffer;
    dog.loop = true;
    dog.noteOff( audioContext.currentTime + 600.0 );   // She stops after 10 minutes.
    dog.connect( audioContext.destination );

"Time" in the Web Audio API

  • Time values in Web Audio are in SECONDS, not milliseconds
  • Use audioContext.currentTime to get the time
  • This clock starts at zero when the context is created
  • Be careful - the system clock may run at a different rate

Beyond the Basics

request.onload = function() {
                request.response, function(buffer) {
                    dogBarkingBuffer = buffer;
                    bark();   // you don't usually immediately play this

But that's not all...

AudioNodes for Processing

  • Gain control
  • Delay effects
  • Biquad Filters (low-pass, high-pass, bandpass, etc.)
  • Panners (Spatialization)
  • Convolution (reverb and other environmental effects)
  • And more!


Integrate <audio> and <video> elements into the Web Audio pipeline

<audio id="audioTagID" src="longfile.ogg"></audio>

var audioContext = new AudioContext();

function setupStreamingSource() {
    var audioElement = document.getElementById( 'audioTagID' );
    var sourceNode = audioContext.createMediaElementSource( audioElement );
    sourceNode.connect( gain1 );   // connect this whereever you want!

AudioGainNode - Volume Control

interface AudioGainNode : AudioNode {

    AudioGain gain;   // This is an AudioParam


AudioGainNode for Routing and Submixes


Implicit Mixing at AudioNode Connections!

  • Mixing happens automatically on nodes
  • AudioParam inputs are also mixed
  • Outputs can also fan out to many inputs
var dog = audioContext.createBufferSource();
var cat = audioContext.createBufferSource();
dog.buffer = dogBarkingBuffer;
cat.buffer = catBarkingBuffer;

AudioGainNode Automation

Since gain is an AudioParam, you can do

var envelope = audioContext.createGainNode();
mySoundNode.connect( envelope );
envelope.connect( audioContext.destination );

var now = audioContext.currentTime;
envelope.gain.setValueAtTime( 0, now );
envelope.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime( 1.0, now + 2.0 );
envelope.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime( 0.0, now + 4.0 );


This node delays the audio signal passing through it

interface DelayNode : AudioNode {
    AudioParam delayTime;


delayTime is an AudioParam!

interface DelayNode : AudioNode {
    AudioParam delayTime;
var delayNode = audioContext.createDelayNode();
    delayNode.delayTime.linearRampToValueAtTime( 0.5, now + 4 );

    soundNode.connect( audioContext.destination );
    soundNode.connect( delayNode );
    delayNode.connect( audioContext.destination );

Also useful for flange and chorus effects.


interface RealtimeAnalyserNode : AudioNode {
    void getFloatFrequencyData( Float32Array array );   // grab frequency analysis (float)
    void getByteFrequencyData( Uint8Array array );   // grab frequency analysis (uint8)

    void getByteTimeDomainData( Uint8Array array );  // grab waveform data

    unsigned long fftSize;        // how detailed an analysis you want
    float smoothingTimeConstant;  // how much to average "frames"

What's the Frequency, Kenneth?

Frequency buckets are spread linearly across [0 , audioContext.sampleRate/2]

var analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser();
analyser.fftSize = 1024;

function updateVisualizer(time) {
    var freqByteData = new Uint8Array( analyser.frequencyBinCount );
    analyser.getByteFrequencyData( freqByteData );

    // Now you have an array of Uint8 values, representing the frequency band energy
    // across analyser.frequencyBinCount bands.  Do something cool with it!
    for (var n=0; n<analyser.frequencyBinCount; n++)
        doSomethingCool( freqByteData[ n ] );

    window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame( updateVisualizer );


interface BiquadFilterNode : AudioNode {
    const LOWPASS = 0,   HIGHPASS = 1, BANDPASS = 2, LOWSHELF = 3,
          HIGHSHELF = 4, PEAKING = 5,  NOTCH = 6,    ALLPASS = 7;
    attribute unsigned short type;
    readonly attribute AudioParam frequency; // in Hertz
    readonly attribute AudioParam Q; // Quality factor
    readonly attribute AudioParam gain; // in Decibels

Analysing Filters

Resonant Filter Sweep

    var filter = audioContext.createBiquadFilter();
    filter.type = filter.LOWPASS;
    filter.frequency = 0;
    filter.Q = 0;

    // sweep the frequency from 0-5k; sweep the Q from 20 to 0.
    var now = audioContext.currentTime;
    filter.frequency.setValueAtTime( 0, now );
    filter.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime( 2000.0, now + 2.0 );
    filter.frequency.linearRampToValueAtTime( 0.0, now + 4.0 );

    filter.Q.setValueAtTime( 20.0, now );
    filter.Q.linearRampToValueAtTime( 10.0, now + 4 );

Talking on the Telephone

A "telephone" filter is just two filters, masking off the high and low frequencies.

var lpf = audioContext.createBiquadFilter();
lpf.type = lpf.LOWPASS;
lpf.frequency.value = 2000.0;
input.connect( lpf );

var hpf = audioContext.createBiquadFilter();
hpf.type = hpf.HIGHPASS;
hpf.frequency.value = 500.0;
lpf.connect( hpf );

hpf.connect( out );


Position sounds in the 3D sound field- great tutorial on HTML5Rocks.

AudioPannerNode Interface

interface AudioPannerNode : AudioNode {
        // Default for stereo is HRTF 
        unsigned short panningModel;

        // Uses a 3D cartesian coordinate system 
        void setPosition( float x, float y, float z );
        void setOrientation( float x, float y, float z );
        void setVelocity( float x, float y, float z );

        // Directional sound cone          
        float coneInnerAngle;
        float coneOuterAngle;
        float coneOuterGain;

AudioPannerNode - Basic Panning

// Create the panning node
var panner = audioContext.createPanner();

// default to straight ahead
panner.setPosition(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
panner.connect( audioContext.destination );

// remember, 0.0 is straight ahead: negative=left, positive=right
panner.setPosition( newPanningPosition, 1.0, 0.0 );


This is also how you get Doppler effects


interface AudioListener {
    void setPosition( float x, float y, float z );
    void setOrientation( float x, float y, float z, float xUp, float yUp, float zUp );
    void setVelocity( float x, float y, float z );
audioContext.listener.setVelocity(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);   // Up, up and away!


  • Convolution reverb digitally simulates a physical or virtual space.
  • Provides room ambience, also emulates any electronic or analog processor
  • Uses Impulse Response files - lots available on the net
  • Again, remember the output is ONLY the processed signal!
interface ConvolverNode : AudioNode {
    // buffer is the impulse response file 
    AudioBuffer buffer;
    boolean normalize;


Impulse Response files are just another sound buffer!

var drums = audioContext.createBufferSource();
drums.buffer = drumsBuffer;
drums.loop = true;

var convolver = audioContext.createConvolver();
convolver.buffer = hallImpulseResponseBuffer;

drums.connect( convolver );
drums.connect( audioContext.destination );
convolver.connect( audioContext.destination );


Using Web Audio for Synthesis

Web Audio can also provide sources of sound and musical effects


Anti-aliased periodic waveform source (Also useful for AudioParam inputs!)

Oscillator types
interface Oscillator : AudioSourceNode {
    const SINE = 0, SQUARE = 1, SAWTOOTH = 2, 
          TRIANGLE = 3, CUSTOM = 4;
    unsigned short type;
    AudioParam frequency; // in Hertz
    AudioParam detune; // in Cents

    void noteOn( double when );
    void noteOff( double when );
    void setWaveTable( WaveTable waveTable );


  • Complex waveforms created from Fourier series harmonic coefficients
  • var wavetable = audioContext.createWaveTable( Float32Array real, Float32Array imag );
    oscillator.setWaveTable( wavetable );

DynamicsCompressor - Pump Up the Volume!

Compression sample

interface DynamicsCompressorNode : AudioNode {
    AudioParam threshold; // in Decibels
    AudioParam knee;      // in Decibels
    AudioParam ratio;     // unit-less
    AudioParam attack;      // in Seconds
    AudioParam release;     // in Seconds



WaveShaper performs non-linear distortion effects with an arbitrary curve- useful for overdrive, soft clipping, and bit-crushing.

interface WaveShaperNode : AudioNode {
    Float32Array curve;
Waveshaper before and after WaveShaper curve

Splitting and Merging Channels in a Connection

AudioChannelSplitter/Merger give access to individual channels.

AudioChannelSplitter AudioChannelMerger


var ppMerger = audioContext.createChannelMerger();
// Create independent delays (can have different delayTimes if desired)
var ppLeftDelay = audioContext.createDelayNode();     var ppRightDelay = audioContext.createDelayNode();
ppLeftDelay.delayTime.value = 0.3;                    ppRightDelay.delayTime.value = 0.3;

// Gain nodes so the echoes fade over time
var ppLeftFeedback = audioContext.createGainNode();   var ppRightFeedback = audioContext.createGainNode();
ppLeftFeedback.gain.value = 0.65;                     ppRightFeedback.gain.value = 0.65;

// Connect left into right, and right into left
ppLeftDelay.connect(ppLeftFeedback);                  ppLeftFeedback.connect(ppRightDelay);
ppRightDelay.connect(ppRightFeedback);                ppRightFeedback.connect(ppLeftDelay);

// Merge the two delay channels into stereo L/R
ppLeftFeedback.connect(ppMerger, 0, 0);
ppRightFeedback.connect(ppMerger, 0, 1);
ppMerger.connect( audioContext.destination);


We can do audio processing and synthesis directly in JavaScript, too.


interface JavaScriptAudioNode : AudioNode {
    EventListener onaudioprocess;
    long bufferSize;

interface AudioProcessingEvent : Event {
    JavaScriptAudioNode node;
    float playbackTime;
    AudioBuffer inputBuffer;
    AudioBuffer outputBuffer; 

Web Audio Status

  • Supported in Chrome on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
  • ChromeOS just enabled April 2012
  • Apple Safari - Enabled in nightly builds, shipping in Safari 5.2 beta
  • Now in iOS6 betas too!
  • W3C audio working group work continues - in 2nd public working draft, Active participation in WG from Mozilla, Opera and others
  • ChromeFrame!!

The Future

  • Two REALLY exciting upcoming features:
    • Audio input via getUserMedia()
    • MIDI input for live controller input

  • Awesome apps I want you all to build...
    • Rich interactive sound in game engines
    • Shared music composition
    • Digital Audio Workstations
    • DJ performance tools
    • Software Synthesizers
    • Software sequencers and performance instruments
    • Audio “effects boxes”
